Friday, April 28, 2006

Lazy Day at the Park

Spencer had today off, so we decided to take advanage of the beautiful weather and take Ella Ann to the park. She loves being outside and immediatly starts cooing and talking the minute we leave the house, so she enjoyed sitting on the blanket in the grass. Ella Ann has recently started to dislike being pushed in her stroller, but today she didn't mind it and was happy as a little clam. She didn't know what to think of the birds that were walking around us and she loved pulling up the grass!

As you can see, Ella Ann is now sitting up on her own unassisted. However, we have to stay close and catch her when she decides to throw herself backwards!

I took this picture before we left for the park just in case she ruined the outfit before I was able to snap her picture!

Looking up at her Dad

1 comment:

Matt and Jennifer said...

Your little Ella Ann is so beautiful! It's so fun to be a part of your life through this page. I can't wait to catch all the updates. P.S. you definitely need to go back to the mall for new shades!
Love, Jennifer Blaze