Sunday, May 09, 2010

Here, There & Everywhere

We had a very busy travel week last week. The kids and I loaded up and headed to my parent's house on Wednesday after I picked up Ella Ann at ballet at 2 p.m. I do not like getting such a late start to my 5 1/2 hour drive (that's without traffic) but she will not be missing ballet since her recital is this Saturday. Well after Rane was rudely awoken 45 minutes into his nap, before we even got to Dalton, by Ella Ann whisper-yelling at me about her DVD he screamed for 2 solid hours. He wouldn't have anything to do with his books or toys....just screamed. It was torture. We stopped right out side of Nashville and I fed the kids dinner. After that he was happy as a clam the rest of the way. Driving through rush hour, flooded Nashville was terrible as well and put me behind by about 45 minutes. We arrived, though, safe and sound at my parent's house so that's all that matters.

Ella Ann and Rane had a great time visiting them, as did I. Mom blew up the kiddie pool on their deck and if Ella Ann could have spent all 48 hours in the water she would have. They had a blast playing in it. We did our usual thing at their house....out to dinner, run errands, visit Dad at his work, etc. Ella Ann got to have her Grandpa time both evenings we were cream cones on the deck. Rane was spoiled rotten by Mimi because she picked him up, which he ALWAYS wants, every single time he would raise his arms up to her. They couldn't believe how well he is walking and it's hard to remember to move even more items out of reach because now he is taller! At one point Rane brought us a nice wine glass from the dining room. At least he didn't drop it our try to bite it!

We packed up again and headed to Zach and Mandy's house early Saturday morning to attend Ethan's first birthday party. It was the perfect day for an outdoor party and Mandy had invited a lot of adults and kids so spending the afternoon outside was great! The kids had so much fun with Carter, Seth and Ethan and Ella Ann enjoyed meeting a few of the little girls that came to the party. I spent the night with them on Saturday and then we headed home on Sunday, which by the way, was another awful drive peppered with lots of screaming, whining and little sleep. The kids remained very, very cranky the entire day and at one point Ella Ann told me, "I don't like you Mommy." Happy Mother's Day to me. Thankfully after we put the kids down for bed at 6:30 p.m. Spencer cooked a fantastic, romantic dinner for me! He made pecan-encrusted tilapia, sauteed vegetables, salad and a chocolate cupcake! Well to make sure he doesn't get too full of himself I should mention that he just warmed the dinner.....he bought it at Whole Foods! He knows what I like and it was great!

Wrestling with Mimi.

Visiting with Grandpa before he went back to work.


The desk of my grandmother's (that I used to play school with in her basement) that my Dad had repainted for Ella Ann.

Ella Ann used her pool water to water all the plants for Mimi.Eating ice cream with a PINK cone!

Ella Ann found my two American Dolls and she loved them!

Rane and Ella Ann both loved my Dad's massager! Rane especially loved putting it on his face!

The cake!

Ella Ann held her own at the boys table! She ate the most and by far sat there the longest eating all of her food!

Rane loved stealing ice out of the coolers when people would open them to get out a drink!

The birthday boy ate his cake!

Ready to steal some cake!

Playing out in the yard after the party.

Ethan opening his gifts.

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