Monday, October 19, 2009

Rane's An Animal

Seriously, is this how a boy acts? Sooooo different from my calm (as a baby), non-climbing, passive, tender, non-hair-pulling, will-sit-still daughter! Rane, he's in a category all by himself. He's all over the place. He tries to get in the trash often but since we kick him out of that he will get in the play kitchen and crawl around with "food" in his mouth. It is hilarious! We laugh at him all the time! I can already see Rane as a toddler and the sight exhausts me. On the other hand, he is a very cuddly, loving and sweet baby. He loves to be held and if we are laying on the floor he will crawl as fast as he can so that he can climb on top of you. I already think this is his way of wrestling! How does he know how to do this??

Spencer went to Tocca this weekend so the kids and I filled the two days with shopping, errands and church. It was very cool and windy on Saturday so while we were battling the breeze on our way to the car I asked Ella Ann if she would like to make some hot chocolate with marshmallows when we got home. Of course! Side note, though, she didn't even know what hot chocolate was but if it had the word chocolate in it then she knew it must be fabulous. Good girl. So we hit the door and she starts jumping up and down all excited about this treat right before dinner. I know, can you believe it? So I get a nice yummy mug of warm hot chocolate ready for her with a big marshmallow in it, put her in her seat, she takes two sips and declares, "I don't like this! YOU DRINK IT!" What is the matter with this kid? My typical 3-year-old. On the other hand, Rane was clinging to her chair making all kinds of noises trying to get a drink!
I didn't even make it healthy either!

After I snapped this picture Ella Ann started yelling, "MOMMY! Rane's eating my seat!" I run over to Rane and see that he has taken a big chunk out of her Coushie seat and was chewing it in his mouth! See! He's an animal!

The boy loves to get in all my kitchen drawers as well. I know you cannot see it but his pajamas say "Handsome Just Like My Daddy." Duhhhhh!

I mean, how can you resist that face?

I had to take a picture of Rane today looking all snazzy in his blazer! My friend, Sara, gave Rane the jacket when he was born and I just love it! Thank you Sara!


Mandy said...

Yes...that is how boys are!! I know it is crazy and so different from a little girl, but it is also SO much fun! In some ways boys are easier (much less drama) but in other ways, they are more exhausting. :) Keep enjoying that sweet little are blessed with two precious kiddos!

Danielle said...

He's not an animal - he's a boy! Mandy is absolutely right. They are tons of fun, and heaven knows mine has been a LOT easier than my little diva thus far. I've loved learning about trains, trucks, cars, and lava (Thatcher's latest fascination); and we never battle over clothes.