Monday, September 28, 2009

Little Man

I received a bathrobe for Rane when he was born and he can now fit in it. Ella Ann had one too but she, like him, did not like to wear it at all. Once I got it on Rane, though, he was fine and dandy because he could still crawl around. It is a battle, now, just to get him to lay still for one second so I can put a sock on! I have to chase him to get him dressed!

Some more updates on our boy:

-He LOVES the bathtub! This is good for us because he is such a messy eater that he usually gets thrown in the tub after a meal to get washed off. I will let him sit in the tub forever just splashing around and crawling from one end to the other. He is so happy in water!

-He now has four teeth! He bites us often and it really hurts! He will sink his teeth into the back of my legs and it's like a vampire is taking a big bite! Ouch!

-He loves Ella Ann's tutu. If I don't hear anything out of Rane for a few minutes I know exactly where to find him....chewing on the tutu in EA's room.

-I gave up baby food...period. He hated it, I hated feeding it to him, so now he eats all finger foods. He's happy, I'm happy.

-He loves dairy products and goldfish. If I am eating one of those he will crawl over to me, plop himself down on top of my feet and look up at me with his mouth open. He will do the same thing if you are holding him and eating at the same time. He most certainly expects a bite!

-He still gets up at least it's not before dawn!

-He chases the vacuum. He yells and squawks when I run it and will chase after me and try to climb on it as if it were a ride! No fear!

-We have a climber. Ella Ann never, ever climbed anything...I mean nothing. Spencer found Rane IN the fireplace the other day.

-He doesn't really play much with any of his baby toys. He prefers off-limit toys of Ella Ann's, such as her dollhouse and babies. He enjoys playing with any kitchen utensils or pans.

-He's working on waving, speaking and giving good, wet, open-mouthed kisses!

-He is loved beyond belief!


Jeff Agoos said...

There's nothing manly about that. Give the kid a chance.

Mandy said...

He is so cute! I loved playing with him on vacation. Such a fun age...