Saturday, August 08, 2009

Almost On the Move

Rane's newest trick is to get up on all fours and rock back and fourth. He does this any time he can, especially in his crib when he is supposed to be sleeping! This little man is so active already that it will be absolutely crazy around here when he does begin to crawl! Even just watching Ella Ann run around the house and play causes him to ferociously kick his legs back and fourth, arch his back if you're holding him or jump like crazy if he is in the exersaucer or jump-a-roo! He is just dying to get the TV remote, my coffee, phones and Ella Ann's stuff! Oh goodness she is going to go bananas when he does eventually get ahold of her precious belongings!

Here are some pictures of Rane practicing.....

This is how he ends it all....face first on the floor! He's happy, though!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

He is so cute! I know he is so anxious to crawl and get into Ella Ann's stuff!

It should be a fun beach trip with all the little ones!!
