Sunday, July 26, 2009

What Has Spencer Done....

to our little girl????

(In case you need the lyrics to actually understand what my 3-year-old is saying....)

Living on the road my friend. Was gonna keep you free and clean

Now you wear your skin like iron. Your breath's as hard as kerosene

You weren't your mama's only boy. But her favorite one it seems.

She began to cry when you said goodbye. And sank into your dreams.

Pancho was a bandit boy. His horse was fast as polished steel

Wore his gun outside his pants. For all the honest world to feel.

Pancho met his match you know.On the deserts down in Mexico.

Nobody heard his dying words. That's the way it goes...gibberish

Ella Ann has been singing Willie Nelson's "Poncho and Lefty" since she could make sentences but this is the first time she would ever sing it for us so we could get it on film. Spencer has sang this song to Ella Ann since birth, oh and "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd. I never knew he did this until Ella Ann was about 2 years old and I heard her singing something about kerosene. I pretty much stopped dead in my tracks and asked her what in the world she was singing about and she told me in a very matter-of-fact tone, "Poncho and Lefty." Oh sure, okay. WHAT? So I asked Spencer what it was (I had never heard it) and he told me he sings Willie Nelson songs to her along with some Pink Floyd at night. Ummm, yeah, so I sing "Jesus Loves Me," "God of Wonders," "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" you know, normal kiddie songs. Well when I finally got to hear Ella Ann sing this song in it's entirety I about lost it I was laughing so hard! Can you picture sweet little 2-year-old Ella Ann singing about a horse as fast as polished steel????? Well now that she is 3 we got it on film! The day before yesterday Rane was playing in his exersaucer and I overheard Ella Ann singing it to him. I guess he'll be next! :) Well all I can say about it is at least our kids will be well rounded in their music preferences!

On a side note: Yes, Ella Ann does wear clothes occasionally. If we are at home, though, she is always in her favorite costume of the week which happens to be her (my) leotard....well we are going on a good 4 weeks of that at the moment. I told her she couldn't wear her ballet tights or shoes because we have to save them for when she takes ballet at her school starting this fall. Earlier last week I was on the phone and Ella Ann comes sashaying into my bedroom wearing the leotard, pink wool winter tights and her tutu to ask me, "Does this look beautiful Mommy?" What a nut! She wears those wool tights every day and "drifts" around our house. She refused to take it off when I needed to run a quick errand so I let her wear it (the whole shebang). I look back at her in my rear view and she has sweat rolling down her face! I warned her she would be really hot in the car but you know there is no talking any sense into a 3-year-old so she suffered. I asked her if she was hot and she said yes but by golly those tights never left her legs!


Mandy said...

LOVE it! Isn't it funny the difference between a Daddy and a Mommy??? You definitely need to keep that video and show it to her when she is 16 and quite the girly girl!! :)

Janelle said...

So Funny!! We are totally raising the same child. :) Where did you find cute leotards? I'm looking for AK for ballet this fall too. I saw some at target, but don't love the rhinestones if they can be avoided...