Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Put Me In the Zoo

Jana and I took the girls to the zoo yesterday afternoon. It was a madhouse because of all the kids there on field trips but we managed to keep up with our kids and have a great time! We took advice from a friend (thanks Janelle!) and went backwards through the zoo to avoid the crowds and it worked. We got to see all the animals up close and the girls really enjoyed walking around together. The weather was perfect, Rane was great in the stroller (most of the time) and Jana and I had fun as well so it was a very fun morning and we will be doing it again together soon!

Watching Tara the elephant eat her celery.

Rane pretty much enjoyed looking at the sky and trees the whole time!

I had to post the picture that Ella Ann took all by herself!

At the gorilla exhibit.

I had to take a picture of this crazy meerkat! He was asleep, not dead!

At the giraffe exhibit. I think that that was the girls' favorite one.

A lady asked Jana and I if they were twins! We actually get that fairly often when they are together. They may not be twins, but they are for sure sisters!! :)

Being silly!

Mara Kate took this picture of us! She is quite the photographer!


Mandy said...

Cute pictures! I am so jealous that you are able to get outside. I'm pretty sure we're living during the flood here. Our backyard is nothing but water. I can't wait for dry weather (and the sun)!

Janelle said...

Cute pics--love the last one of you and EA, so sweet. :) Would love to go with y'all sometime! We are always looking for new friends to go with!