Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Couldn't Think...

of a catchy title for this post since I don't have anything spectacular to blog about. We were busy this week with our usual activities and my days flew by like they usually do. I decided that Ella Ann had no summer clothes or shoes so we went out this week and blew through some cash, which was fun!! She was the most excited about the Hello Kitty flip flops I bought her at H&M, mainly because she's about to die to go to a swimming pool and she knows she will get to wear them to one! I also realized I have no "dressy" dresses for her to wear to church or for Easter so after not finding anything at the shops I got on and found her an adorable dress that will work perfectly for Easter Sunday. If you've never been on Etsy then you need to take a couple of hours (it will take that long because there is so much to look at and it kinda sucks you in) and check out all things handmade. Very fun and unique website! I also found out about a children's consignment store that a friend at church told me about so Ella Ann and I ventured out in the pouring down rain Saturday morning to go bargain hunting. Unfortunately the only thing we left with was a cute little number for dresses for Ella Ann, which was what I was hoping to find!

On Saturday afternoon we had a few of Spencer's friends over...well they are my friends too but they work with Spencer. I made a few appetizers and we all sat around the kitchen and chatted for a good 3 hours. Ella Ann LOVED having them over because they were new people to chat it up with and make them play with her! She is on an Easter kick, which is due to the fact that we are prepping her for the holiday by talking about what we are celebrating at Easter and the message that goes along with it. Ella Ann has drug out her Easter basket that is always full of empty eggs that she likes to do egg hunts with periodically throughout the entire year. I swear Spencer hid those eggs 25 times yesterday morning! So of course she had to do an egg hunt with each person that came to our house yesterday! None of them have children and that was made clear by John who hid the eggs so well in her room that Spencer and I couldn't find them...I found two of them this morning cleaning up! ha!

The ING Half Marathon and Marathon was this morning and the route was right down our street! Of course that also meant that we were not able to get out our driveway so we missed church. We had an absolute blast, though, standing outside watching the thousands of runners go by our house! We were out there, all 4 of us, in our pajamas before 8 a.m.! There were many people lining the sidewalks with bells, whistles and music cheering on the masses so it was very entertaining! I think Spencer enjoyed it the most...he was out there for a full 3 hours and even ate his breakfast outside! Ella Ann tried to ruin our parade by whining and wanting to go inside but she finally rallied once she had her tambourine in hand and was able to cheer along with everyone! Spencer and I both knew several people running in it and we got to see all of them pass us! We would cheer them on as they ran by, even Ella Ann would scream and wave!

Of course I cannot NOT mention the fact that Spencer is in heaven this weekend because his beloved Louisville Cardinals are playing for a spot in the Final Four as I type! I couldn't resist, Dad forgive me again, dressing up Rane in his little Cardinal onsie that my mother-in-law gave him! I am not one to dress my children in any type of sports paraphernalia but I did it for my husband! :)

This week we will be busy getting ready for our trip to Kentucky...all 4 of us. Spencer has a vacation week next week so we are using it go to visit family. We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon!!!

I took this picture earlier in the week. Rane is bound and determined to suck his thumb! I've resolved that it runs in our genes!!

I think he was trying to coo, "Go Cards!" :)

Please note the matching "shoe" socks that I was thrilled to put on his feet because they looked so darn cute with the onsie!

Mr. John doing a tremendous job hiding the eggs for Ella Ann!

His fiance Mandy, also participated in the egg hunt! In this picture she is telling Mandy that she didn't "hide them good enough" because she found them too easily!

Catching up in the kitchen. Ella Ann had to be in the center of it all!

Sandra cuddling with Rane.

They both just so happened to be sporting their Smurfette t-shirts!!!

A steady stream of of people were running by our house like this for a good 2 hours.

How fun is it to walk out your front door in your pj's and be in the middle of a marathon!

Looking down our street to the left. There was a watering station and a big cheering section...complete with some heavy drinkers!


Jana said...

Looks like you all had a fun weekend, even though you had to miss church. What fun watching the runners in your pjs!

Mandy said...

Sounds like you guys had a good weekend. We can't wait till this weekend! I can't wait to love on Rane and play with Ella Ann! Hope ya'll have a good week!

John C said...

We'll get that kid some new digs this weekend...