Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our Valentine's Day

What a great day! The four of us spent Valentine's Day together just enjoying each other's company. Spencer and I decided to take our chances and go out to a relatively nice dinner at Buckhead Diner on Friday night with both kids. Well they were both fantastic and on their very best behavior! Ella Ann enjoyed some fries, along with the food I packed for her, and some of Spencer's chocolate shake. Her very first! I had amazing pan-seared tuna which my lips have not touched in over 10 looooooooong months (pregnancy and raw fish for some reason do not go together) so I was SO happy and savored every bite! It's my favorite food...too bad it costs an arm and a leg but what can I say, does it surprise you that I would pick the most expensive thing? :) Spencer really liked his meal as well so we will certainly be back! :) My very sweet husband also sent me a bouquet of beautiful tulips and irises for Valentine's Day that arrived yesterday afternoon. They are so pretty but I will wait to take a picture until they are fully opened.

I had Spencer and Ella Ann's gifts waiting for them at breakfast when they woke up this morning. Ella Ann loved her bag-o-junk (all from the dollar aisle at Target). I asked her what her favorite item was and she said, "The PINK marshmallows!" Of course! The kid loves marshmallows but had never tasted pink ones so she was thrilled and was eating them before breakfast...I know, doesn't sound like me at all but it IS Valentine's Day!

Ella Ann, Rane and I went to Nordstrom this morning and baked some festive cupcakes after lunch. We took some to our neighbors next door because I cannot have 24 cupcakes sitting around my house! Her and Spencer headed out to the pet store after nap time to buy Ella Ann a goldfish (her real V-Day present). They came home with Blueski, our new pet.

We also gave Rane his very first real bath this evening because his umbilical cord finally fell off this week! He loved it, unlike Ella Ann who screamed and hollered during her first bath...still does to this day! :)

Ella Ann and Rane earlier this week. Poor Rane! He always gets the life squeezed out of him in her arms!

Mara Kate and Jana also came over for our weekly playdate. I found them reading in bed cute!

Before dinner Friday night.

I had to take a picture of his stylin' shoes Grandpa got him!

Opening her Valentine goodie bag this morning.

Eating a big marshmallow at 7:15 a.m.

All the junk!

I dyed her oatmeal pink and made a heart in it...I tried to make something into the shape of a heart at each meal today.

Well she iced two cupcakes and then decided she'd rather watch me ice and her eat!

This would be Blueski.

Ella Ann and her new friend! Oh and this is what she looked like most of the day. Spencer asked her if she could accessorize any more! Hey Minnie needs her bling!

Baby Rane in the tub!


Mandy said...

Look at those cheeks on Rane! I can't wait to kiss on them next weekend! Looks like you guys had a great Valentine's Day. I'm so glad...we can't wait until next weekend!

Southern Expressions said...

you always get the cutest pics! sounds like a wonderful v-day. :)

Janelle said...

Oh, and that was Janelle above. Sorry, logged in on wrong blog. :)

MiracleBlanket said...

Hi! I’m Mike Gatten, inventor of Miracle Blanket, and your blog was just brought to my attention. I noticed your mention of the Miracle Blanket and I wanted to say a HUGE thank you! As a matter of fact, we can’t thank you and others enough for helping us spread the word. We really want to help other parents avoid the all-too-common problem of sleep deprivation with a newborn, but we have found that getting the word out is incredibly difficult. People just don’t believe us when we tell them it might be “this easy.” The fact is, advertising doesn’t work for a product like ours, so we rely solely on word-of-mouth from parents and professionals who have been so great as to give us a try and then tell everyone about their experience.

To show my personal gratitude I want to thank you with a free Miracle Blanket! If you don’t need it for yourself you might give it as a gift or maybe a giveaway on your blog.

Please call Susan in Marketing and she will send you a free Miracle Blanket of your choice – really! (214) 675.0539.

And again, thank you so very much!


Mandy said...

That is so awesome!! I'm so glad you are getting one...they are definitely well worth it! I just noticed all of Ella Ann's accessories in EVERY picture. She is too funny!