Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Round #1

This weekend we celebrated Christmas a little early (because of my pregnancy) with the Jensen family. On Friday afternoon Gary, Gayla, Mandy, Carter and Seth (Zach arrived in the evening) got here. The kids played like crazy while the rest of us did some catching up and preparing dinner. Unfortunately Spencer came down with the stomach virus on Thursday and it still hasn't let up as of today so he missed nearly all of our Christmas. We were all disappointed that he didn't get to enjoy 1) a rare weekend off and 2) very special time with his family at Christmas. Zach, Mandy and their boys stayed with us that night so it was really fun, especially for Ella Ann, to wake up Saturday morning and have her cousins waiting on her in the living room! She was so excited that everyone was here, as were Spencer and I!

Craig and Kasey arrived early on Saturday so we prepared a big lunch with lots of good appetizers and after that it was time to open presents! Carter was about to bust at the seams he was so ready to open his presents that said "C-A-R-T-E-R" on them! He hunted for his gifts the night before and knew where they all were when it was time to open them! We all took turns opening our gifts (youngest to oldest so Baby Boy Jensen was the first to go each round!) and it was over before we knew it. Everyone got lots of wonderful things, especially the kids (too much) and it was fun to watch them play with all their new stuff. Ella Ann got a purple and pink tutu from her cousins and she kept it on most of the afternoon (played football toss in it) and has had it on all day today! She also got a couple of games, puzzles, books, rooms for her dollhouse and clothes. All stuff she loves!

We had our big Christmas dinner that evening and we all enjoyed the good food....except for Spencer. :( Craig and Kasey spent the night with us last night and then everyone left this morning. Ella Ann was sad to see the festivities come to an end and everyone go home, but it all begins again next week when my parents come down for our Christmas with them! Thank you Gary, Gayla, Zach, Mandy, Carter, Seth, Craig, and Kasey for making the long trip down here, spending the weekend with us and for all the wonderful gifts and food you brought! We are very thankful for each of you!

I took a lot of pictures so click HERE to view them.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

We had so much fun!

You are so good to get your blog updated quickly. I feel like I am still digging out. :)

Have fun at Ella Ann's program tomorrow...I know she'll do great!
