Friday, March 28, 2008

Week In Review

Since we don't have anything planned for this weekend, I thought I would go ahead and post about the week we have had. We've had a busy and fun week, as usual. On Monday I decided to do some spring cleaning in our closets. As I was rummaging through all of Ella Ann's winter clothes and spring clothes she, was of course, under foot and saw her brand new bathing suit hanging in the closet and immediately wanted to put it on, even though is was around 50 degrees that day! Being the girly girl I am, I happily obliged because I'm always wanting to try new clothes on her and dress her up! The two pictures below are a combination of her wardrobes that she thought was perfect to wear ALL day!

The Easter Bunny also brought Ella Ann a new baby doll that can bathe with her. She never gets that baby dressed and wants her naked all the time! She uses it's towel as her "bobbie."
I kept Mara Kate on Thursday morning, and that was fun for both Ella Ann and I because the girls pretty much entertain themselves, so really Mara Kate came over and baby sat Ella Ann! I was able to get some stuff done around the house while the girls played.

Every time Mara Kate comes over Ella Ann always wants her to get in bed with her. She will scream "MARA KATE!!! COME HERE!!!! GET IN DA BED!" I don't know why that's so fun, but I know Mara Kate likes it too!

Ella Ann was not okay with sharing her baby with Mara Kate, so I ended up having to referee while they played with it.

We have started going back to story time at our library on Tuesday mornings since The Music Class is over. By the way, we started a new music class a few weeks ago that is on Friday mornings and Ella Ann is loving that one! She's much more talkative in this one and will sing, clap, stomp, jump, run, etc. along with Mrs. Okie, her teacher. I think it helps that Jana and Mara Kate are sitting beside us! Anyway, since we are back at the library, we've been getting a stack of books for Ella Ann. She won't read anything else while we have these books, so Spencer and I are ready to see them go when we take them back the following week! If we end up grabbing a really awful book, I have to hide it from Ella Ann until we take it back so we don't have to read it again! This time we got a book about a little boy that built a tent in his room so now Ella Ann wants a tent in her room. She slept under it this afternoon for her nap! She kept wanting me to get in it with her and told me Daddy was going to get in her tent when he gets home from work. Yeah, I'd like to see Spencer curled up in her toddler bed under a tent! :)

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