Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Free Weekend

It was a rare weekend.....Spencer didn't work! Yeay! It was so weird to have him hang around all day and night on Saturday (he did go in on Sunday night). Let me back up to earlier in the week to tell you that we went to the aquarium on Monday afternoon since Spencer was post call and was able to go with us. We hadn't been in a little while and Ella Ann really enjoyed herself this time around. She can say every animal's name and her favorite was watching the sea lions play in the water.....each time they passed her she'd say "Hi sea yion," followed by, "bye sea yion!!" We also went outside so she could watch them above the water and that were barking like crazy so that made Ella Ann go crazy! Also this week I gave Ella Ann her first pedicure, much to Spencer's dismay!! See the pictures below!
This weekend we went to eat brunch at an awesome bakery close to our house. Unfortunately Ella Ann was coming down with a cold so she wasn't too happy about sitting in a high chair and waiting, and waiting, and waiting for our food. We also went to Toys R Us to pick out her birthday present, which was really fun! Out of all the millions of toys in that huge store, guess what Ella Ann went straight for?? Ohhhh a tiny stuffed dog! She went nuts when we had to say goodbye to it! We got her a really fun gift but I will post about that after her birthday party in 2 weeks. That afternoon Spencer went to a restaurant/bar with some friends to watch UK play while Ella Ann and I went to the mall to do some retail therapy.
We were not able to go to church as a family this morning since we couldn't put our sick child in the nursery so Spencer went to the early service then I met him at Starbucks for some coffee in between the services and I went to the second. On our way to get coffee I pointed out a house to Ella Ann that was all decked out for Halloween. In reply she goes "Ohhhhhh!!!! Pumpkin!!!!", then as we got further down the road she starts telling me, "Turn around, turn around!!!!" She is so funny! It's weird to have her talk back to Spencer and I (in a good way so far), answer our questions, and to have her tell us things. It's nice because I don't feel so bored anymore because I have someone to talk to now that will talk back! ha! We have been talking about her birthday party lately to get her excited and we've told her all the family members that will be attending, so far Aunt Kasey seems to be the favorite....sorry grandparents! :) We tell her that everyone will bring her presents and we are going to eat some cake, which she happily agrees to but you know there will be no cake going anywhere near her mouth since she refuses to try it! So now she walks around the house and asks for everyone by name and then starts saying, "Presents, presents!" or "Sooooooo fun!!" because every time I tell her about her party and what we're going to do I always end it with, "It will be so fun!!"
Ella Ann has also started voicing her opinion about what she wants to wear, actually not wear I should say! My Mom got her a shirt that says "Trick-or-Treat" on it to wear with some black leggings. The child has worn it no less than 15 times. She will NOT take it off! She would sleep in it if she could! She also discovered her costume hanging in her closet and now wants to wear it around the house all day! I won't disclose what it is.....we'll save that for our Halloween post! I'm glad she wants to wear it, and all it's gear, because I was afraid we'd put it on her for the first time on Halloween night and she would refuse to keep it on.
Well, enjoy our weekly pics!

Watching and listening to the sea lions play and talk with Daddy. She kept saying "BARKING!!!!!!!!!"

I took this picture in the middle of her singing "Mary Had A Little Lamb."

With Mommy in front of the Beluga whales exhibit. We walked to the aquarium so that's why we all look a little rough!

She loved the fish!

For those of you who haven't been to our jaw-dropping aquarium, this is the largest exhibit they have and is where the 4 whale sharks are located. It is a bad picture but at least it gives you an idea of what we get to experience! Yes, that is one of the whale sharks at the top of the picture. I couldn't even fit the entire tank in!

This also isn't a very good picture but it was so cute because the penguins were playing with Ella Ann and she thought it was the best thing ever!

Yeah and she tried to cart off some merchandise from the gift shop on our way out but I got her on film....caught red handed!!!!

I took this picture after I painted her toes. I told her to be careful and not touch them and she took me SO seriously because the balls of her feet never hit the floor for a good 2 hours!! I'm not kidding!

Pretty toes, pretty toes!!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Looks like you guys had fun! I'll have to paint Ella Ann's toenails soon since I obviously won't be doing that anytime soon! :) We're looking forward to next weekend!!