Monday, May 28, 2007

I haven't posted in a while about what Ella Ann has been up to these days. She has always provided endless joy and entertainment to me, Spencer, and our family, but in the last few months her personality has really blossomed. She is always full of energy, as every toddler is, and loves to exert her new-found independence in all kinds of ways, such as climbing on the couch and sitting beside Spencer and I (certainly not on our laps anymore), not wanting to hold my hand in public or running ahead of me in public, wanting to walk beside her stroller or push it herself, saying "no" 50 times a day, etc.! It's great, though, to watch her become her own person and understand her sense of self! She's now a child, no longer our baby. :( The good news is that she readily dishes out hugs and kisses to Spencer and I and still loves to cuddle with us. Thankgoodness!!!

These are some of the words that Ella Ann can say now: Uh-oh (which is said for any sound that she hears everyday), pease (please), no, shyes (yes), dog, kitty, up, I know, hi, bye-bye, most animals and the sounds they make, car, bus, ellaopter (helicopter), ree (tree), ater (water), milk, oomeal (oatmeal), ereal (cereal), nana (banana), ogurt (yogurt), okra, getti (spaghetti), awfower (cauliflower), wower (flower), bobbie (blanket), bobo (pillow)...yes she often speaks her own language, outside, dirty, gross, yucky, grass, awberry (strawberry), apes (grapes), erwings (earings), acklace (necklace), and most of her body parts.

She can say the names of everyone in our immediate family and she tries to say "Miss Jana", but it comes out "ana" and Mara Kate is "Kate". Pretty good! We love hearing her say "Aunt Mandy" and "Aunt Kasey"!

This past Thursday, Jana and Mara Kate came over for a playdate. Of course Jana and I talked nonstop the entire time and the girls enjoyed playing together. Both of them have been bored with their toys and not really interested in playing, even though Jana and I traded toys for about a month. This problem causes trantrums throughout the day because neither Jana or I can sit there for hours on end and play with them! This is why playmates are great because they babysit themselves!

Here are a few pictures of our little 18 month olds!

Ella Ann and her Indian hat that she made while in the nursery at my gym earlier that day. She wouldn't take it off!

Ella Ann and Mara Kate

I had put Ella Ann's chair in her room before Jana and Mara Kate arrived because last time the girls both wanted in it but Ella Ann dragged it back out into the living room and once Mara Kate sat in it, she had to squeeze onto the seat too and then Ella Ann.....

she pushed poor Mara Kate off!

****Also, here is the link to view Ella Ann's 18 month portraits. You will also need the username and password.

Username: Jensen4of4
Password: 8229

1 comment:

Mandy said...

She is too cute! I can't believe how many words she is saying...what a smart girl! I'm also glad to see that my son isn't the only bully in the family!! Ha! :)
Hope you all have a good holiday!