Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Toddler Time

Since Ella Ann seems to be transitioning to only 1 nap (she hasn't taken a 2nd nap in like 4 days and wouldn't take her morning nap yesterday)....ohhhh so sad for me, I thought we would do something fun this morning instead of fighting a nap so we went to "Toddler Time" at our library that is close to our home! It was only about 30 minutes long, which was plenty of time for me! :) It was for ages 15 months to 2 years. Ella Ann and I walked into a room full of pre-schoolers, and a few toddlers around her age. Ella Ann LOVED it! She didn't necessary enjoy the storytime because she, of course, didn't pay any attention, but she really liked watching all the kids and interacting with them. Three stories were read with singing breaks in between each song and then they finished with a song that included an alligator puppet. Ella Ann would run in circles around the kids gathered in the center of the room to listen to the story and stop and point in their faces! Geez! She would also stop at each adult sitting with the children on the floor and the adults that were sitting in chairs around them and give them her biggest smile ever! Once they smiled or said hi to her, she would go to the next adult and do the same thing! It was hilarious to me, but I'm sure annoying to them!

Ella Ann would stand with the kids and sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", "The Wheels On the Bus", "The Hokey Pokey", and several songs that I wasn't familiar with. I guess I should start brushing up on my nursery rhymes! She loved the puppet show and kept trying to squirm out of my lap and go up front and snatch it from the man's hand! They also played music before and after story time and Ella Ann would just stand and shake it like it was nobody's business!! :)

I think getting out during her usual morning nap today was great for her. The chaos wore her out and I put her down after I fed her an early lunch a few minutes ago so hopefully she will sleep a long time!

I took this picture of her as storytime was beginning. I got the "are-we-really-staying-for-this look"!

Well as you can see, she warmed up quickly to the entertainment! This is her distracting smile that she would spread across her face before she took off running in front of the kids and back again! I apologized to the man reading afterwards!

"And you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Storytime is great! Carter is like Ella Ann...he loves the songs but doesn't really listen to the stories. I hate that the naps are changing already for you guys and I hope that you both have an easy transition to one nap. See you Sunday!